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Given the success of the Ruger LC380, it was only a matter of time before laser makers like Crimson Trace would start to offer a laser for this weapon. The LC380 was introduced in early 2013 at the SHOT show, and Crimson Trace had a laser available for that pistol in June, so you do the math. The laser option for the LC380 is very popular since Ruger now offers it as a factory option. Ruger LC380 model 3230 ships from the Ruger factory configured with a Crimson Trace laser.
While the laser certain offers some interesting options, the biggest challenge is usually locating a holster that will carry the LC380 with the mounted CT laser. Well, read on as we’ve got some solutions for that problem, including a number of nice CCW holsters specially made for the LC380 wearing a CT laser.
Here are some common questions that we hear regarding holsters for the LC380 running a Crimson Trace laser:
#1 – Will a LC380 with CT fit a holster made for the standard LC380?
No it won’t and here’s why: the Crimson Trace laser is an under barrel/trigger guard version that attaches to the trigger guard. This added item changes the overall dimensions of the gun so a holster made specifically for the standard .380 won’t fit.
#2 – Will the LC380 with a CenterFire Laser fit in a holster made for the LC380 with a CT laser?
No it will not. The CenterFire Laser , while similar to the CT laser model, has different dimensions and requires a holster made specifically for it mounted to the LC380. If you’re looking for a holster to fit your LC380 with a CenterFire Laser, look here.
#3 – Do you have a IWB holster that will fit an LC380 with Crimson Trace laser?
Yes. Our most popular IWB model for this is the MTR Custom Adversary Clip-on IWB model.
#4 – Will a holster made for the LC9 with a CT laser fit a LC380 with a Crimson Trace laser?
Yes, it will. The LC9 and LC380 are built on the exact same frame and have nearly identical dimensions.
Any of the holster models listed below are available in a version to fit the Ruger LC380 with a Crimson Trace laser.