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First introduced by the Sturm Ruger Company in 1989, the SP101 series of revolvers quickly established a foothold in the wheel gun market. The SP-101 was slightly larger than the popular S&W J Frame series of revolvers, which offered a bit more surface area to help maintain control.
Originally the SP101 revolvers were only available in a 2.25 inch and 3-inch barrel, but in 2012, Ruger added a version with a 4.2 inch barrel. This version was added at the request of customers who loved the frame size of the SP-101 but wanted a longer barrel.
The 4.2 inch barreled models were available in the following calibers:
While the 4.2 inch SP101 models did find a foothold in the revolver market, the shorter barrel 2.25" and 3" versions are the more popular sellers.
Here's a quick overview of the more popular holster styles for the 4.2 inch SP-101 models:
Let's look at each style in more detail:
Given the longer barrel length of the 4.2 inch models, a outside the waistband or belt holster is the most popular option for a revolver this size. Most belt holsters mount to the bet using 2 or 3 belt slots built into the holster, although some belt holster styles will snap-on to the belt using a series of leather snaps.
Belt holsters typically come in two versions:
Our top-selling SP101 4.2 inch holster models are:
MTR Custom Deluxe Full-Size Pancake Holster
MTR Custom Slim-Line Deluxe Pancake Holster
MTR Custom Deluze Full-Size Quicksnap Holster
Although the inside the waistband style is a more common holster option for the shorter barreled versions of the SP-101, we do have customers who prefer to carry the 4.2" version of the SP101 inside the waistband.
This style is a better option for concealment as the bulk of the revolver is hidden down inside the wearer's pants.
Our top-selling IWB holster models for the SP101 4.2 inch are:
MTR Custom Tuckable IWB Holster
MTR Custom Dual Carry OWB/IWB Holster
If you are not familiar with a paddle holster, it is a holster style that features a paddle attachment mounted to the holster. The paddle attachment is worn down inside the pants, while the holster portion rides outside the pants on the waistline.
Paddle holsters are popular because they are easier to get on or off compared to a traditional belt holster. With a belt holster, the belt has to be removed in order to put the holster on or take it off.
Our top selling paddle holster for the 4.2 SP-101 is this one: MTR Custom Paddle Holster.
The final holster style that can be popular for the 4.2 inch versions of the Ruger SP-101 is the shoulder holster style. A shoulder holster features a holster that is worn underneath the weak-side arm and is drawn in a cross draw manner.
Shoulder holsters are generally built, so the revolver rides horizontally under the armpit (called a Horizontal shoulder holster) or vertically under the weak-side armpit (called a Vertical shoulder holster).
The horizontal style is the common one seen on TV, but the vertical style can fit the longer barrel of the 4.2 version SP101 revolver.
Unfortunately, we do not currently have a holster brand that offers a shoulder holster (in either the horizontal or vertical configuration) for the 4.2" SP-101 yet.
Here are some of the more commonly asked questions that we see regarding holsters for a Ruger SP101 with a 4.2 inch barrel:
Yes and no, and let me explain: Officially speaking, Ruger does not offer a version of the SP101 with a 4-inch barrel. They only provide it with a 4.2 inch barrel. We contacted Ruger support to confirm this.
We get calls on this question all the time. For some reason, people seem to confuse the 4.2-inch barrel with a shorter 4 inch one, and then they go off searching for a 4-inch holster to fit it. It would be best if you had a holster made for a 4.2" SP-101.
From a barrel length standpoint, the answer is yes. But, the GP-100 has a larger frame, so the SP-101 would not be a good fit in that holster.
Currently, we only offer leather holsters, and any leather holster you see listed below would be a potential candidate to answer that question.
Unfortunately, the answer is no, and here's why:
In terms of frame size, the SP101 is smaller than both the S&W K frame or L frame series of revolvers.
Even if the frame size difference was not an issue, S&W only offers the K and L frame models in either a 4", 5" or, occasionally, a 6" configuration. They do not offer a 4.2-inch barrel length.
We understand, and here's the explanation: the holsters listed below are just example models that we happened to have handy for demonstration pics. The holster that you receive will be made specifically for the SP101 4.2 Inch.