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The Walther PPQ was introduced by Walther in 2011 as a potential replacement for the Walther P99. The PPQ moniker is short for “Police Pistol Quick Defense”, and is really just n updated version of the Walther P99 with a better trigger system. In fact, sights for the P99 and 2nd generationP99 magazines will work on the PPQ.
Scroll down to see all the Walther PPQ M1 Classic holsters we carry.
When this firearm was introduced, it was simply called the Walther PPQ. However, in 2013, Walther introduced a U.S. based variant of this model call the PPQ M2. Walther also decided to keep offering the Walther PPQ, but renamed it the PPQ M1 Classic to differentiate between the 2 PPQ variations. This model is also commonly called the PPQ M1 (as opposed to the newer M2 version.)
The original PPQ was available in 9mm, .40 cal., 9X21MM, and 22 LR. The PPQ classic version is only available in 9mm.
The PPQ Classic proved to be a popular seller for home defense and law enforcement, especially internationally. While the model did see some U.S. based law enforcement adoption, it didn’t perform quite as well as hoped in the U.S. law enforcement market.
Just like similar models to the PPQ, there are interchangeable backstraps for the gun, and this allows the user to find a setting that is most comfortable for their particular hand shape and size. It is small features like this that really make the Walther PPQ a gun worth owning, as you can customize it to feel like you designed it yourself.
Perhaps one of the most noticeable features of the PPQ is the newly designed “Quick Defense” trigger, which allows the user to pull the trigger and fire a round quicker than with previous models. This is certainly a nice little addition, especially if you are a police officer or security worker who needs a gun that works fast in a tense situation.
Here are some commonly asked question that we see regarding the Walther PPQ M1 Classic:
#1 - Will a holster made for a Walther PPQ M1 Classic fit a Walther PPQ M2?
The biggest difference between the original M1 and M2 model is the position of the mag release. The M1 models have a mag release lever integrated into the trigger guard, while the M2 model features a push buttom mag release that is more standard on U.S. based semi-automatic pistols. The trigger guard on the M1 series is actually a little but wider so M2 models don't fit an M1 holster very well and vice-versa. Your best bet is to buy a holster specific to the PPQ model you have.
#2 - I see you offer holsters for the PPQ M1 model but don't specify a caliber. Wil lyour M1 holster fit my PPQ M1 in 40 caliber?
Walther designed the PPQ M1 series so, regardless of caliber, the pistols are the same dimensions. So a holster made for a PPQ M1 in 9mm will also fit a PPQ M1 done in 40, or 22LR.
#3 - Do you offer any holsters to fit a Walther PPQ M1 with a light?
It really depends on the light and or laser that you are running. Give us a call or email and we'll be glad to look into it for you.
#4 - Does Don Hume offer any holsters to fit the Walther PPQ M1 or M2 model?
At this time, Don Hume isn't offering holsters to fit either of those Walther models.
#4 - Do you offer any holsters to fit one of the newer Walther PPQ M2 models?
Yes, we do and those can be found here. Technically, any holster displayed below is available in a version to fit the PPQ M2 series as well.
All the holster models below are avaialbe in a version to fit the Walther PPQ M1 Classic pistol.